"Now, I'M Going Berserk!"

Time's running OUT! I'm sorry I have to keep beating this drum but, rumor has it Google has teamed up with Verizon to decide Net Neutrality. WHAT?

This article makes it all quite clear - and easy to understand:

Google-Verizon Deal

What the hell happened to our administration's promise that Net Neutrality would NOT be compromised? Went the way of the rest of the promises, I guess.

In any event, it is VITALLY important that the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) hear from us. WE have to do OUR part to protect our businesses - and our FREEDOM.

Please, please, PLEASE go to the URL below and make your voice heard to the U.S. Congress!

We have to TELL THEM!


Join the Conversation

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Tell Them

I clicked the link to post on the Tell Them site, but my browser won't open the page. I keep getting an error message. Perhaps someone doesn't want to hear my thoughts on the matter. I am using Firefox, as I refuse to use IE for anything.

I hope others have better luck than I have.

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg
Freelance Commercial writer

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* dr. jl scott is the Founder of Chamber of Commerce - on the Web™ http://www.ChamberofCommerce-ontheWeb.com - and also the publisher of the Online Business Trade Journal™ - the blog that keeps you up to date with online business coming of age. Visit: http://www.OnlineBusinessTradeJournal.com

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